Alvine Orthopedic Dress Shoe Friendly
Product Features of the Alvine Shoe:
Wide Width – Terrific for Sensitive and Swollen Feet or Ankles. No protruding seams to avoid irritation. Larger than normal front volume.
- Non Slip Soles – Helps Prevent Potential Slips and Falls.
- Adjustable Easy Touch Closure – Accommodates Different Levels of Swelling.
- Stretchy Forefoot - A stretchy polyurethane fabric allows the foot to breath and accommodate any foot deformities.
Quality Footwear – Super Comfortable, safe for walking, ultralight, and flexible.
Leather Heel - Leather back for a stronger heel.
Since 1930 PodoWell has been designing orthopedic footwear to help people with painful foot sensitivities experience more comfort and ease. PodoWell offers a selection of easy to slip on, super light weight, wide-fitting flexible shoes appropriate for in and out door wear. Their washable footwear is ideal for patients suffering from ulceration, neuropathy or edema. Designed in France.